บรมธาตุ, พระ |
the Buddha’s relics. |
บรรพชา |
1. leaving the world; going forth; adopting the ascetic life; ordination. 2. the lower ordination; ordination of a novice; admission to novicehood; Initiation. |
บรรพชิต |
an ascetic; recluse; monk; the ordained; religious; renunciate; monastic. |
บริกรรม |
1. arrangement; preparation; preliminary action. 2. (T.) repetition; pronouncing incantations; recitation (or to recite) for the purpose of making sacred. |
บริขาร |
requisite; (the eight) requisites of a Buddhist monk; the three robes, the bowl, a razor, a needle, the girdle and a water-strainer; accessory; equipment. |
บริจาค |
donation; charity; sacrifice. v. to donate; give; give up. |
บริโภคเจดีย์ |
a tree, shrine, dwelling, bed, etc. used by the Buddha and consequently remindful of him and sacred; the monument |
บริวาร |
1. retinue; suite; pomp; followers; following. 2. accessories. |
บริเวณวัด |
the compound of a monastery; the Wat compound. |
บริษัท |
surrounding people; an assembly; company; association; the four assemblies of the Buddhist devout; the assemblies of monks, nuns, male and female lay devotees. |
บวช, การ |
giving up the world; adopting the ascetic life; ordination. v. to go forth; give up or renounce the world; become an ascetic, a Bhikkhu or a novice; be ordained; join or enter the Order. |
บังสุกุล |
1. rags from a dust heap; a robe make of rags taken from dust-bins; discarded cloth; rag-robe. 2. (T.) a yellow robe dedicated to a deceased person; v. to take such robes after contemplating on the impermanence of compounded things; meditate and take a funeral (or memorial) robe. |
บาตร |
a bowl; alms-bowl. |
บาป |
evil; wrong action; demerit; (mis.) sin. adj. evil; bad; wicked; demeritorious; (mis.) sinful. |
บารมี |
(the ten) Perfections; stages of spiritual perfection achieved by a Bodhisatta on his path to Buddhahood (or by those who are determines to become Pacchekabuddhas or Arahant disciples of a Buddha). |
บาลี |
1. Pali language; the language adopted by the Theravadins as the language in which to reserve the memorized teachings of the Buddha. 2. Tipitaka; the text of the Pali Canon; the Buddha’s teachings as contained in the Tipitaka. |
บำเพ็ญ |
v. to fulfil; cultivate; develop; practice. |
บิณฑบาต |
food received in the alms-bowl (of a Bhikkhu); alms-gathering; almsfood. v. to go for alms; go for collecting alms; go for alms-gathering; go on an almsround; receive food-offering. |
บุคคลาธิษฐาน |
exposition in terms of persons; teaching with reference to persons; teaching by means of personification. cf. Dhammadhitthana. |
บุญ |
merit; meritorious action; virtue; righteousness; moral acts; good works. adj. meritorious; good. |
บุญกิริยาวัตถุ |
(the three or ten) items of meritorious action; way of making merit. |
บุถุชน |
ดู ปุถุชน. |
บุพกรณ์ |
preliminary works. |
บุพกรรม |
a former deed; a deed done on a former existence. |
บุพการี |
one who does a favour before; a previous benefactor. |
บุพกิจ |
preliminary function; preliminary duties. |
บุพนิมิต |
a foregoing sign; prognostic; portent. |
บุพเปตพลี |
offering dedicated to the deceased. |
บุพเพนิวาสานุสติญาณ |
ดู ปุพเพ-. |
บุพเพสันนิวาส |
living together in the past; previous association; cohabitation in a previous life. |
บูชา |
worship (external and mental); honor; veneration; homage; devotional attention; devotional offering. |
เบญจขันธ์ |
the Five Aggregates; the five groups of existence; the five causally conditioned elements of existence forming a being or entity, viz., corporeality, feeling, perception, mental formations and consciousness. |
เบญจธรรม |
the five ennobling Virtues. |
เบญจวัคคีย์ |
“belonging to the group of five”; the five Bhikkhus; the five ascetics; the five mendicants; Annakondanna, Vappa, Bhaddiya, Mahanama, and Assaji. |
เบญจศีล |
the Five Precepts; the Five Rules of Morality; the Five Training Rules. |
เบญจางคประดิษฐ์ |
five-point prostration; the method of veneration or obeisance by prostrating oneself or kneeling and touching the ground with five parts of the body, viz., the knees, elbows and forehead. |
โบสถ์ |
the uposatha hall; a chapter house; a hall or building in a monastery in which ecclesiastical acts or ceremonies are performed; consecrated assembly hall; (mis.) church; temple. |
ใบสีมา |
marking slab (usu. made of stone and erected over a buried boundary-marking stone to show its place). ดู ลูกนิมิต. |