T I T L E (1) :
As an elephant in the battle field
Withstands the arrows shot from a bow.
Even so will I endure abuse,
For people's conduct is mostly low.


T I T L E (2) :
The tamed elephant is led to crowds.
The tamed do the kings mount.
The well-tamed is best among men,
Who endures abuse.


T I T L E (3) :
Excellent are well-trained mules.
So are thoroughbred ones from Sindhu
And likewise noble fighting elephants.
More excellent is the self-trained man.


T I T L E (4) :
Surely never by those vehicles
Would one go to the untrodden land
As does one who is controlled
Through his subdued and well-trained self.


T I T L E (5) :
The great elephant called Dhanapalaka
In time of rut is uncontrollable;
Tied fast he refuses his food
Since he calls to mind the elephant wood.


T I T L E (6) :
A sluggard, or glutton, too,
Rolling himself about in gross sleep
Like a bigh hog nursed on pig-wash-
That foolish one endlessly comes to birth.


T I T L E (7) :
Formerly this mind went wandering
Where it liked, as it wished, as it listed.
I will now control it with attemtiveness
As the driver with his hook a wild elephant.


T I T L E (8) :
Take delight in heedfulness
And guard well your own minds;
Draw yourselves out of evil ways
Like an elephant sunk in the mire.


T I T L E (9) :
If for the faring-on you can find
A friend, well-behaved, prudent and wise,
Walk with him joyfully and mindfully,
Overcoming dangers (open and concealed).


T I T L E (10) :
If for the faring-on you cannot find
A friend, well-behaved, prudent and wise,
Fare alone as a king renoucing his country
And as an elephant alone in the wilds.


T I T L E (11) :
Better is it to fare alone;
There is no friendship with a fool.
Fare alone and commit no sin,
Being carefree as an elephant in the wilds.


T I T L E (12) :
Happy is it to have a friend in need
Happy is contentement with whatever betides.
Happy is merit at the end of life.
Happy is it to leave all sorrow behind.


T I T L E (13) :
Happy is it to honour mother.
Happy is it to honour father.
Happy is it to honour ascetics.
Happy is it to honour the Noble Ones.


T I T L E (14) :
Happy is virtue until old age.
Happy is faith that firmly stands.
Happy is it to gain insight.
Happy is it to commit no sin.


Source : The Buddha's in the Dhammapada by Sathienphong Wannapok

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