T I T L E (1) :
One should give up anger and pride,
One should overcome all fetters.
Ill never befalls him who is passionless,
Who clings not to Name and Form.


T I T L E (2) :
Whoso, as rolling chariot, checks
His anger which has risen up-
Him I call charioteer.
Others merely hold the reins.


T I T L E (3) :
Conquer anger by love,
Conquer evil by good,
Conquie the miser by liberality,
Conquer the liar by truth.


T I T L E (4) :
One should speak the truth.
One should not give way to anger.
If asked for little one should give.
One may go, by these three means,
To the presence of celestials.


T I T L E (5) :
Those sages who are harmless
And in body ever controlled
Go to the Everlasting State
Where gone they grieve no more.


T I T L E (6) :
Of those who are wide-awake
And train themeselves by night and day
Upon Nibbana ever intent-
The defilements fade away.


T I T L E (7) :
Not only today, O Atula,
From days of old has this been so;
Sitting silent-him they blame,
Speaking too much-him they blame,
Talking little-him they blame,
There is no one in the world who is not blamed.


T I T L E (8) :
There never was, and never will be,
Nor is there now to be found
A person who is wholly blamed
Or wholly praised,


T I T L E (9-10) :
He whom the intelligent praise
After careful examination,
He who is of flawless life, wise,
And endowed with knowledge and virtue-
Who would dare to blame him
Who is like refined gold?
Even the gods praise him,
By Brahma too he is admired.


T I T L E (11) :
One should guard against bodily hastiness,
One should be restrained in body.
Giving up bodily misconduct,
One should be of good bodily conduct.


T I T L E (12) :
One should guard aginst hastiness in words,
One should be restrained in words.
Giving up verbal misconduct,
One should be of good verbal conduct.


T I T L E (13) :
One should guard against hastiness of mind,
One should be restrained in thought.
Giving up mental misconduct,
One should be of good mental conduct.


T I T L E (14) :
The wise are restrained in deed,
In speech too they are restrained,
They are restrained in mind as well-
Verily, they are fully restrained.


Source : The Buddha's in the Dhammapada by Sathienphong Wannapok

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