T I T L E (1) :
Who will conquer this earth(life)
With Yama's realm and with celestial world?
Who will investigate the well-taught Dhamma-Verses
As a skilful garland-maker plucks flowers?

T I T L E (2) :
A learner(sekha) will conquer this earth
With Yama's realm and with celestial world.
He will investigate the well-taught Dhamma-Verses
As a skilful garland-maker plucks flower.

T I T L E (3) :
Perciving this body to be similar unto foam
And comprehending its mirage-nature,
One should destroy the flower-tipped arrows of Love
And pass beyond the sight of the King of Death.

T I T L E (4) :
He who gathers flowers of sensual pleasure,
Whose mind is distracted-
Death carries him off
As the great flood a sleeping village.

T I T L E (5) :
He who gathers flowers of sensual pleasures,
Whose mind is distracted
And who is insatiate in desire-
Him death brings under its sway.

T I T L E (6) :
As a bee takes honey from the flowers,
Leaving it colour and fragrance unharmed,
So should the sage wander in the village.

T I T L E (7) :
Pay not attention to the faults of others,
Things done or left undone by others,
Consider only what by oneself
Is done or left undone.

T I T L E (8) :
As a flower that is lovely
And colourful,but scentless,
Even so fruitless is the well-spoken word
Of one who follows it not.

T I T L E (9) :
As a flower that is lovely,
Colourful and fragrant,
Even so fruitful is the well-spoken word
Of one who practises it.

T I T L E (10) :
As from a heap of flowers
Many kinds of garlands can be made,
So many good deeds should be done
By one born a mortal.

T I T L E (11) :
The perfume of flower blows not againts the wind,
Nor does the fragrance of sandal-wood, Tagara andjasmine,
But the fragrance of the virtuous blows against the wind
The virtuous man pervades all directions.

T I T L E (12) :
Sandal -wood, Tagara,
lotus and wild jasmine-
Of all these kinds of fragrance,
The fragrance of virtue is by far the best.

T I T L E (13) :
Little is the fragrance of Tagara
And that of sandal-wood,
But the fragrance of virtue is excellent
And blows even among the devas.

T I T L E (14) :
Of those who possess these virtues,
Who live without negligence,
Who are freed by perfect knowledge-
Mara finds not their way.

T I T L E (15) :
Just as on a heap of rubbish
Thrown u[on the highway
Grows the lotus sweetly fragrant
And delighting the heart.

T I T L E (16) :
Even so among those blinded mortals
Who are like rubbish,
The disciple or the Fully Enligtened one
Shines with exceeding glory by his wisdom.

Source : The Buddha's in the Dhammapada by Sathienphong Wannapok

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